There's never a driving urgency to his performance he never achieves the sweaty despair of Bruce Willis in the genre-defining film. Seagal himself seems to treat the circumstances as a lark. Her best line: 'I have two rules - I don't kill people and I don't date musicians.' Later, when she blows someone away, he says, 'Next thing you know, you'll be dating musicians.' But it may be too amusing. Her presence is clearly meant to somewhat lighten the ingot-dense heaviness of the Seagal screen persona (he's shed his ponytail but kept his attitude) and some of the byplay is amusing. She is played by Erika Eleniak of 'Bay Watch,' and the movie can't help but bay while it watches her display why she might have been Miss July 1989 in a brief scene. In his endeavors, Seagal is assisted by an ex-Playmate-of-the-Month who has been smuggled aboard as part of the cover operation by which the terrorists took over the ship. 'Under Siege' it's a giant jungle gym full of interesting angles and astonishing vistas against which to stage an action movie, and the director Andrew Davis (a gifted hack) gets the most out of it.